![]() in the informations that circulates inside of it "...AON is a virtual train whose motor is made up of valid information supplies by the passengers. You can get on every station you wish if you are graduate or student, you come in, you pay the ticket and a passengers offers you a place near him. When you get on the train it is necessary to introduce yourself and to decline your competence because your name must be entered on the passengers list. When you sit down you`ll receive the list of all compartments (respective the competencies) of the train. From this moment you can chose the compartments which interest you and the persons which you want to discuss, to cooperate or to do business. At the same time, every person of the train can contact you. The conditions, which you must, accomplished are the elegance, the kindliness, the self-control, and the respect of these rules, which are identical for all the passengers. The landscape you see at the windows is the social reality. You can see it from distance, you can ask for details from the train`s passengers or you can get off the train any time, to verify yourself what is going on, to smoke a cigarette, or to have a bear with your future partner of ideas, action or business. But you don`t smoke, don`t drink alcohol, don`t throw paper to the ground and don`t touch alarm signal. Only like this you can find fair-play in the relationships with the passengers and they give trust to you for remain member of this choice..." 1. UTILIZATION OF AON`S NETWORK. EXAMPLES. ![]() |
A .... It`s evening. You start up the television and watch the news bulletin. A fact draws your attention on certain domain (economy/medicine / law, etc.). Consult Module 1 and ring up Mr. ( economist /doctor / lawyer,etc.) which you prefer mentioning your AON`s personal code and profession. While he presents his opinion you can ask for your questions for 2-5 minutes. ( To network profit it is not recommended to exceed this interval ). If the answer is no directly you`ll be informed when you can go back for it. When you have obtained the information you can finished the conversation. The network is working for this level.
Attention !
Finally you decide if you act or not in this situation. In case of intervention your behavior must be according to AON`s code and principles of PSIHOLTD !
a) If you are VERY SATISFIED of reply and person you can send one AONP(+) evaluation to AON database and mention briefly your appreciation. You win 5 points on INSERTION and the interlocutor wins 5 points on PRESTIGE .
b) If you are VERY UNSATISFIED of reply and person you can send one AONP(-) evaluation to AON database. You win 5 points on Insertion and the interlocutor wins 5 points on REJECTION.
Important !
c) The behavior and style of petitioner in request of information is very important. If his manner is no fair he can be surprised. The questioned person can send into AON`s database one AONP(-) evaluation, too !
B. You appealed to services of organization / firm / person. You was VERY SATISFIED / UNSATISFIED for its services. You can send an AONP(+/-) or AONF(+/-) evaluation into network and all AON`s members can have / avoid your experience.
C. You must come to a decision : a) acquisition for cash of a house through mediation of a real estate firm b) employment in foreign countries through mediation of a intermediary firm c) the choice of the place where you put in a hospital a near relation for an operation. How do you proceed ? For a) and b) situation you ask for AON`s score of such firm from AON`s database. If they`re not exists you ask for opinions of AON`s members of such firms. If they`re not exists you ask for opinions of AON`s members of that area for this problems. In the both situations you can obtained sufficient elements for to know if you can or not take risks for your money : the existence of o single negative appreciation is a good reason to do not a business with such firms in Romania! For c) situation use Module 1 to identify the doctors and AON`s member of that area. Through mediation of AON`s database you find AON`s score and all recommendation for those you wish to appeal or it is proposed (suggested) you to appeal.
D. You must go in other town for business, etc. Consult Module 1 and you have 3 possibilities :E. You have a company and you want to employ a person ( engineer, economist, lawer,etc.). You must choice between to pay a considerably commission to a intermediary company or to find yourself this person free of charge by AON`s database .
- you placed 3 AON`s member ( one in the same domain) ; in a few minutes you know how you can started ;
- you placed 1 AON`s member but in the other domain ; you can appeal to his favor because he knows the zone, the history an the persons and certainly he give you valuable information.;
- you no placed AON`s members in that area ; you must appeal to ordinary methods (...) or wait for extension of AON`s network.
F. You are unemployed worker and you want to employ yourself. If you are AON`s member, you can post a signal in Module 6 (6.1) and Module 8 ( 8.1) . A manager which is AON`s member already come into possession of essential recordings about you. The company saving money, you wins a job and the AON`s network grow-up by Profit-Profit transaction.
G. You are student and you wish a temporary job or to contact a specialist. If you are AON`s member, the firm / the specialist has a consistent image about your profile. Your problem can be resolved easily in these conditions.
H. As individual you are in contact with institutions, firms, organizations and persons but you are not very satisfied by them. For AON`s members there are supplementary elements in these relations.
I. As Romanian established abroad you wish to do business with Romanian partners. If you are enrolled in AON you have access to valid information and you can establish quickly new contacts. The businessmen can appreciate correctly these advantages.
AON is a group of intellectuals ( graduate and students ) which communicate each other imparting information , ideas , solutions and agree to respect the same rules. Practically, the group is a network and constitutes a form of communication and interaction that can fight with inefficiency, birocracy and corruption. The presentation of AON suppose the answers at 3 questions: